
Six (6) Weeks Prior to the Event Date

1. 学生组织要求 活动策划表格 来自学生生活办公室. 校园部门, 辅机, and off-campus groups may request an 活动策划表格 from the 采购 & 合同的办公室. This form can also be downloaded here:

2. Program Approval/Denial is obtained by completing the 活动策划表格 Packet (complete all appropriate forms) and acquiring all organization and University signatures as appropriate for the proposed program. If approval is unavailable at that time, an Event Planning Meeting for Student Organizations, jointly coordinated by the 乐客学生会 and 学生生活办公室, 可能需要. Failure to attend and participate in an Event Planning Meeting with the 学生生活办公室 or 采购 & 合同 staff four (4) weeks prior to the event date may cause the event to be canceled or rescheduled.

3. Attend an Event Planning Meeting with organization members who will work at the event (at least one member must be an official officer of the organization), 组织顾问, a representative from the University Police when appropriate, 该机构的代表, other university representative as applicable and the Assistant Dean of Students (or 采购) who will preside over the meeting. The Event Planning Meeting is required to review the details and planning of the event when any of the following apply.


  • 一个舞蹈
  • 一场音乐会
  • Involves a request to serve alcohol
  • Will have cash collected at the door
  • A campus event with an expected attendance of over 100
  • A casino night or involves raffles or drawings
  • An auction in which students are auctioned off
  • Deemed to be moderate to high risk by Director, 学生生活办公室, 和/或州立大学警察

In a facility or at a location that requires an Event Planning Meeting which include but may not be limited to the University Theatre, 体育馆, 住房, 雕塑花园, 伦理委员会论坛, 学生会庭院, 以及供应商通道, or whenever amplified sound is planned for an outdoor event.

4. 活动策划表格s for approved programs for student organizations will be forwarded to the 乐客学生会 by the 学生生活办公室 as a request for space. For events requiring an Event Planning Meeting, OSL will submit a request for a tentative facility reservation through the 乐客学生会 Administrative Office Facility Scheduler. This tentative request will be held until two weeks after the Event Planning Meeting, before which time the student organization must have contacted the 乐客学生会 to confirm and finalize 或者释放 the reservation without charge(s). 乐客学生会 Cancellation Policies and Fees will apply.

校园部门 and off-campus groups may make a tentative facility reservation through 采购 & 合同. All facility reservations made through 采购 & 合同 shall abide by terms and conditions set forth in the Facilities Leasing Manual.

Five (5) Weeks Prior to the Event Date

Student organizations meet with the 乐客学生会 Facility Scheduler, 和校园部门会面 采购 & 合同 to discuss the 活动策划表格 information and obtain reservation approval and confirmation when required.

Four (4) Weeks Prior to the Event Date

Attend an Event Planning Meeting with organization members who will work at the event (at least one member must be an official officer of the organization), to review the details and planning of the event when/if required by the 学生生活办公室. See above in Item 1 for events and circumstances that require an Event Planning Meeting. No publicity is to be posted or circulated in any way until a reservation has been fully confirmed. This is latest this meeting can occur!

Three (3) Weeks Prior to the Event Date

Based on the outcome of the Event Planning Meeting (when required):

1. Provide or request an update of your event reservation from the appropriate reservations office. If the event must be cancelled or postponed, make these arrangements now by informing all relevant parties (Police, 预订, ASI, OSL, 保险, 等.).

2. 如果需要, equipment and set-up requests must be forwarded to the appropriate campus office by the sponsoring organization or campus department. Delay of this information may put program reservations at risk of cancellation or postponement.

Two (2) Weeks Prior to the Event Date

Confirm and finalize event arrangements.

  • Cancellation: A minimum of two (2) weeks notice is required for cancellation of confirmed campus event reservations. A late cancellation fee of $50 may be assessed to the sponsoring organization if the event is canceled with less than two (2) weeks notice. See the Facilities Leasing Manual for cancellation fees.


完成 form for student organization events except tabling events. The form must be completed and submitted to riskmanagement@chriswaldegar.com no later than 2 weeks prior to the event date.